Version 9.6.10 Release Notes

Nuix RESTful Service, Version 9.6.10, released in April 2022.

Nuix Engine

Nuix RESTful Service has been updated to use version 9.6.10 of the Nuix Engine. Details about what is included with this update can be found in the v9.6.10 changelog.

Spring Boot Version Upgrade

Nuix RESTful Service has been updated to use Spring Boot version 2.5.12, which includes a patch for CVE-2022-22965. Nuix RESTful Service was not impacted by the Spring4Shell exploit, but updated to Spring Boot version 2.5.12 to avoid the possibility of future exploits of the same vulnerability.

Linux Installation

After installation completes, the command you use to start the X-Server Virtual Framebuffer has been updated. See Installing on Linux for detailed instruction.

To start the X-Server:

` Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1280x1024x24 & `

Resolved issues

Inventory location

  • Inventory locations defined in the file now work correctly.