Getting Started with the Connect Graph API

Get started with common workflows in the Connect Graph API.

Introduction to Making API Calls

Perform common operations with the Connect API Explorer.

Access and Use the Connect API Explorer

How to access and use the Connect API Explorer.

Manage Security for the Connect API Explorer

Grant and deny access to the Connect API Explorer.

Use HTTP, GET, and POST Requests to Interact with the Connect API Explorer

Interact with the Connect API Explorer using HTTP GET and POST requests.

Integrate Microsoft Excel with the Connect API

Programmatically load application data into Microsoft Excel.

Query the Connect API Explorer from Powershell

Review examples on how to query the API using Windows PowerShell.

Organizations Overview

Learn about the Organizations feature of the Connect API Explorer.

Portal Management Reports

Learn about the Reports feature available in the Portal Management section.

Manage Portal Options

Manage portal options to use certain application features.

Portal Security Table

Review the portal security table to understand the access levels for each Portal feature.

Data Retrieval Query Examples

View sample queries as a starting point to create queries for common tasks.

Import API

View sample mutations and use them for tasks in the Connect API Explorer.