Part 12: Production Sets

Create a production set from our data.

Production Sets

After you cull some data, you can create a production set. Creating a production set is an asynchronous task. The response is an asynchronous function key that you can poll for status.

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc/v1/cases/43b070164ce8453ca30ed9e2dfcce67b/productionSets' \
--header 'nuix-auth-token: 9729a460-eda7-48dc-ba70-d12b3aae3c8d' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "description": "My first production set",
  "name": "HelloProductionSet",
  "query": "tag:HTMLFiles",
  "productionProfileName": "Default"
    "functionKey": "d1471527-dd28-46cf-a5cd-e2f4efc8d9ed",
    "location": "http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc/v1/asyncFunctions/d1471527-dd28-46cf-a5cd-e2f4efc8d9ed"

In the above example, the parameters used to create the production set are as follows:

  • description: A description of the production set.
  • name: The name of the production set to operate on.
  • query: A string of query items that should be included. If a query is not supplied it defaults to an empty string, which returns all items.
  • productionProfileName: The name of the production profile to use.

Production Set Status

You have now created a production set with 302 elements. Take note of the production set ID that is returned in the result field of the asynchronous function response. You will need this to complete a legal export later on in the tutorial.

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/nuix-restful-service/svc/v1/asyncFunctions/d1471527-dd28-46cf-a5cd-e2f4efc8d9ed' \
--header 'nuix-auth-token: 9729a460-eda7-48dc-ba70-d12b3aae3c8d'
    "done": true,
    "cancelled": false,
    "result": "59d69780-963a-478c-9f4b-0d2bb4c84a3f",
    "token": "db63fbfc-a5fd-494e-974b-cc17f6b2a56a",
    "functionKey": "d1471527-dd28-46cf-a5cd-e2f4efc8d9ed",
    "progress": 302,
    "total": 302,
    "percentComplete": 100.0,
    "updatedOn": 1612987413154,
    "status": null,
    "statusId": null,
    "requestTime": 1612987408327,
    "startTime": 1612987408327,
    "finishTime": 1612987413257,
    "caseId": "43b070164ce8453ca30ed9e2dfcce67b",
    "caseName": "HelloWorld",
    "hasSuccessfullyCompleted": true,
    "friendlyName": "Production Set Creation Function",
    "caseLocation": "/Cases/HelloWorld",
    "requestor": "username",
    "action": "AsyncProductionSetCreationFunction",
    "options": {
        "productionSetName": "HelloProductionSet",
        "numberingPrefix": "nuix",
        "query": "tag:HTMLFiles",
        "applyHighlights": true,
        "includeFamilies": false,
        "generatePdfStores": null,
        "productionSetDescription": "My first production set",
        "markupSets": null,
        "parallelProcessingSettings": null,
        "pdfStoresQuery": "",
        "guid": "59d69780-963a-478c-9f4b-0d2bb4c84a3f",
        "startingDocumentNumber": "nuix000000001",
        "endingDocumentNumber": "nuix000000302",
        "applyRedactions": true,
        "nextDocumentNumber": "nuix000000303"
    "participatingInCaseFunctionQueue": true,
    "processedBy": "nuix-restfuls-server-1",
    "errorMsg": null