Bearer Authentication

This topic describes the steps for using Bearer Authentication.

This authentication method uses Keycloak or Azure AD as its Identity Provider to authenticate to the server and retrieve an access token. For this authentication method, the Authentication header must use the Bearer authentication scheme name as defined in RFC-6750, followed by an access token string.

Example: Authentication: Bearer {access token string}

Note: It is the responsibility of the requesting application to obtain a valid access token string from Keycloak or Azure AD.

ECC REST API Authentication with Keycloak

Keycloak: Granting a user access to the ECC REST API

In Keycloak, within the Client named ECC, each ECC REST API user must be assigned the Role named HighLevelAvailable. Each ECC REST API user may also require additional Roles depending on the REST commands they need to execute; see the following table:

Keycloak Role (Permission) Name Description Required?
HighLevelAvailable Grants access to the REST API Yes
CreateCollections Grants permission to user to create new collections No
ManageConfigurations Grants permission to the user to manage templates and configurations No
ManageJobs Grants permission to the user to manage existing jobs No

Keycloak: POST request for access token

One way to request an access token from a Keycloak server is to make an HTTPS POST request to the url:


as follows:

  1. Replace {base-url} with the actual HTTPS URL for the Keycloak server
  2. Replace {realm} with the name of the realm configured in Keycloak
  3. Specify the following x-www-form-urlencoded key-value pairs in the request body:
Key Value
grant_type password (the string password itself as a hard-coded value)
client_id The name of the client, in this case: “ECC”
client_secret The value of the authorization.server.secretId from the ECC Server’s server.conf file normally found at C:\Program Files\Nuix-ECC\Main\server.conf and which was generated and copied from Keycloak > Clients > ECC > Credentials > Secret
username The username of the user used to authenticate via Keycloak who wants to access the ECC REST API
password The password of the user to authenticate via Keycloak who wants access to the ECC REST API

Note: The HTTP header Content-Type may need to be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Examples of using Bearer Tokens in Postman (for Keycloak)

Example request using Postman to obtain an access token (a JWT token) from a Keycloak server:

Example JSON response after requesting a JWT access_token from a Keycloak server:

Using Postman to set the Authorization type to Bearer Token for ECC Rest API calls

An example ECC Rest API Call using Postman Bearer token in Headers

ECC REST API Authentication with Azure

Azure AD: configuring Azure AD as an authenticator for Nuix ECC

Follow the steps in the ECC Administraton Guide v9.8.0 to configure Azure AD as an authentication provider for Nuix ECC.

Note: When using Azure AD as the authentication provider for Nuix ECC, no specific user is granted REST API permissions. Instead, a Client ID and Client Secret are generated in the Azure Portal and used subsequently for ECC REST API authentication.

Azure AD: POST request for access token

Note: You will need the Tenant ID, Client ID, Client Secret and Application ID URI from the Azure Portal to proceed with the following steps.

One way to request an access token from Azure AD is to make an HTTPS POST request to the url:{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token

as follows:

  1. Replace {tenantid} with your Tenant ID from Azure AD.
  2. Specify the following x-www-form-urlencoded key-value pairs in the request body:
Key Value
grant_type client_credentials (the string client_credentials is a literal value rather than a placeholder)
client_id The ECC client application ID (a.k.a. client ID) established in the Azure Portal
client_secret A secret generated in the Azure Portal for this application, with an expiration of up to two years
scope The Application ID URI for the enterprise application representing Nuix ECC, with the pattern api://{client_id}/.default for example: api://032dd354-c826-42a0-9616-1f46510c1f69/.default. You must first create the Application ID URI in the Azure Portal by clicking the button to “set” a new one. It is NOT created by default when creating an enterprise application in Azure.

Note: The HTTP header Content-Type should be be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded