All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AnnotationEvent AnnotationHistoryRepository Class for recording annotation in a source case and replaying on a destination case.AnnotationHistoryRepositorySummary AnnotationMatchingMethod AnnotationRepository This class leverages a SQLite database file to export and import annotations between Nuix cases.AnnotationSyncSettings AsposeCellsColorHelper A class containing helper methods for working with Aspose Cells colors.AsposeCellsStyleHelper A class containing helper methods for working with Aspose Cells Styles.BoundedProgressInfo Represents progress of an operation which has a bounded value, that is, we know what progress value is considered maximum/done.BulkCaseProcessor This class assists with iteratively doing some form of work in multiple cases.BulkRedactor Provides bulk redaction functionality, as found in the GUI, but (as of Nuix is not present in the Nuix API.BulkRedactorProgressInfo BulkRedactorSettings Provides settings regarding bulk redaction performed byBulkRedactor.findAndMarkup(Case, BulkRedactorSettings, Collection, int)
.CaseConsumer Interface for callback which accepts cases as they are iterated byBulkCaseProcessor
.CaseHistoryHelper Helper class for iterating a case's history.CaseInfo Represents some information which can be determined about a Nuix case directory without having yet opened the case through the API.CaseIssueReaction Used to respond to issues opening a case byBulkCaseProcessor
.CaseLockedEventInfo This class is used to provide a callback information regarding a case encountered byBulkCaseProcessor
which was locked.CaseLockInfo Represents information parsed from a case lock file.CaseOpenErrorEvent This class is used to provide a callback information regarding a case encountered byBulkCaseProcessor
which had and error when opened.CaseUtility Class which provides some additional functionality regarding Nuix cases, mainly finding cases present in directories and their sub directories.ChunkedDATExporter Generates a series of DAT loadfiles, based on a metadata profile.ColorRing Iterator over a collection of Aspose Cells Color objects.ColumnValueGenerator Base class for reporting.CustodianEvent CustomExporter Provides customized exports while still leveraging the performance of BatchExporter.CustomMetadataEvent DatLoadFile DatLoadFileReader DatLoadFileWriter DigestList This class provides an in-memory representation of a Nuix binary digest list.DriveSpaceInfo Encapsulates drive space information to callback responding to events fired byFreeSpaceMonitor
.ExclusionEvent ExpandedTermInfo Encapsulates information about a term designated as a match result generated byTermExpander
.FormatUtility Class which offers methods for formatting values.FreeSpaceMonitor Provides a way to monitor file system locations and act when available disk space drops below a specified threshold.FreeSpaceMonitorEventCallback Interface for callback for free space monitoring offered byFreeSpaceMonitor
.FuzzyTermInfo Encapsulates information about a fuzzy term expression.IntersectionReport This class generates an "intersection report".IntersectionReportProgressCallback IntersectionReportSheetConfiguration ItemRegexMatchCollection Represents an item and the associated regular expression matches made against it.ItemSetEvent JsonExporter LevenshteinDistance NamedEntityRedactionProgressCallback Provides progress status callback functionality forNamedEntityUtility
.NamedEntityRedactionResults NamedEntityRedactionSettings Provides settings for performing named entity text redaction performed byNamedEntityUtility
, specifically in the methodsNamedEntityUtility.recordRedactedCopies(nuix.Item, NamedEntityRedactionSettings)
,NamedEntityUtility.recordRedactedCopies(Collection, NamedEntityRedactionSettings)
andNamedEntityUtility.recordRedactedCopies(nuix.Case, NamedEntityRedactionSettings)
.NamedEntityUtility Provides functionality for working with Nuix named entities.NamedQuery Encapsulates a Nuix query string and an associated name.NamedStringList NuixImageAnnotationRegion NuixVersion Assists in representing a Nuix version in object form to assist with comparing two versions.OptLoadFile OptRecord PatternInfo Represents a regular expression including associated title.PdfUtility A class containing some helper methods for PDFs.PdfWorkCache This class provides access to PDFs as files when you need them on the file system to perform some operation.PeriodicGatedConsumer<T> A wrapper for aConsumer
instance which will only periodically forward call toaccept
method of wrapped instance.PlaceholderResolver This class provides a way to allow user input to make use of place holder values which will be substituted at run time with appropriate values.PrimitiveTypeParser ProductionSetEvent ProfileDigester Provides functionality related to generating an MD5 digest for an item based on a concatenation of the values yielded by a MetadataProfile for a given item.ProgressInfo Represents progress of an indeterminate operation where the maximum progress value is not known until completion.QueryHelper RegexMatch Represents information about a regular expression match.RegexScanError Represents information about an error which occurred inRegexScanner
while scanning.RegexScanner Class for scanning a series of items with a series of regular expressions.ScriptedColumnValueGenerator AColumnValueGenerator
which uses the provided BiFunction expression to calculate its value.SimilarityCalculation Used byTermExpander
to determine how fuzzy similarity should be calculated to expand a given fuzzy term into matched terms.SimpleTextFileReader SimpleTextFileWriter SimpleWorksheet Wrapper class around Aspose Cells Worksheet object which simplifies some of the more common operations.SimpleXlsx SQLiteBacked Provides a wrapper around a SQLite database.SuperItemUtility Offers methods for working with items and item collections in the same spirit of the ItemUtility offered in the Nuix API.SuperUtilities Serves as the entry point to most of the functionality.TagEvent TemplateExporter Experimental class attempting to integrate Ruby ERB templates with Java by using JRuby to compile a Ruby method which is capable of rendering an ERB and injecting it with Java data.TermExpander WorkFunctionErrorEvent This class is used to provide a callback information regarding an exception encountered byBulkCaseProcessor
while executing code provided in user code.ZipHelper