Class RegexScanner

  • public class RegexScanner
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class for scanning a series of items with a series of regular expressions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegexScanner

        public RegexScanner()
    • Method Detail

      • setMaxToStringLength

        public static void setMaxToStringLength​(int maxLength)
        Configures the character count threshold in which the CharSequence TextObject of an item, obtained from the API, is first converted to a String object before being scanned for regular expression matches. CharSequence may make use of less memory and perform slower but scanning value as a String may perform faster and user more memory.
        maxLength - Maximum text length that should be converted to a String before scanning
      • whenProgressUpdated

        public void whenProgressUpdated​(java.util.function.Consumer<java.lang.Integer> callback)
        Allows you to provide a callback which will be invoked when progress updates occur.
        callback - Callback to receive progress updates
      • fireProgressUpdated

        protected void fireProgressUpdated​(int value)
        Fires progress update if there is a callback listening
        value - The progress value
      • whenErrorOccurs

        public void whenErrorOccurs​(java.util.function.Consumer<RegexScanError> errorCallback)
        Allows you to provide a callback which will be invoked when an error occurs during scanning.
        errorCallback - The callback to be invoked when errors occur
      • fireScanError

        protected void fireScanError​(RegexScanError error)
        Fires error event if there is a callback listening.
        error - The error which occurred
      • addPattern

        public void addPattern​(java.lang.String title,
                               java.lang.String expression)
        Adds a regular expression to be part of the scan with a given title. Creates a new instance of PatternInfo using the values provided.
        title - The associated title
        expression - The Java regular expression string to add
      • scanItems

        public java.util.List<ItemRegexMatchCollection> scanItems​(java.util.Collection<nuix.Item> items)
        Scans a series of items serially (no concurrency)
        items - The items to scan
        List of matches
      • scanItems

        public void scanItems​(java.util.Collection<nuix.Item> items,
                              java.util.function.Consumer<ItemRegexMatchCollection> callback)
        Scans a series of items, providing each item's matches to callback as they are obtained. Items are scanned in serial (no concurrency).
        items - The items to scan
        callback - Callback which will received each item's matches as they are obtained.
      • scanItemsParallel

        public void scanItemsParallel​(java.util.Collection<nuix.Item> items,
                                      java.util.function.Consumer<ItemRegexMatchCollection> callback)
        Scans a series of items, providing each item's matches to callback as they are obtained. Items are scanned in parallel using a Java parallel stream.
        items - The items to scan
        callback - Callback which will received each item's matches as they are obtained.
      • scanItemsParallel

        public void scanItemsParallel​(java.util.Collection<nuix.Item> items,
                                      java.util.function.Consumer<ItemRegexMatchCollection> callback,
                                      int concurrency)
                               throws java.lang.Exception
        Scans a series of items, providing each item's matches to callback as they are obtained. Items are scanned in parallel using a Java parallel stream. This differs from the method scanItemsParallel(Collection, Consumer) in that this method invokes the parallel stream within a thread pool to allow for controlling how many threads are used.
        items - The items to scan
        callback - Callback which will received each item's matches as they are obtained.
        concurrency - Number of threads to create in worker pool that parallel stream is invoked in
        java.lang.Exception - if there is an error
      • scanItem

        protected ItemRegexMatchCollection scanItem​(nuix.Item item)
        Scans a single item
        item - The item to be scanned
        The matches for that item
      • getStringProperties

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getStringProperties​(nuix.Item item,
                                                                                                 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> specificProperties)
        Convenience method for converting the metadata properties of an item into a Map<String,String> so that regular expressions may be ran against them.
        item - The item from which metadata properties will be pulled
        specificProperties - List of specific properties to be pulled. If null is provided, all properties will be pulled.
        Map of "stringified" metadata properties for the specified item
      • getStringCustomMetadata

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getStringCustomMetadata​(nuix.Item item,
                                                                                                     java.util.Set<java.lang.String> specificFields)
        Convenience method for converting the custom metadata fields of an item into a Map<String,String> so that regular expressions may be ran against them.
        item - The item from which metadata properties will be pulled
        specificFields - List of specific custom metadata fields to be pulled. If null is provided, all fields will be pulled.
        Map of "stringified" custom metadata fields for the specified item
      • getContextualSubString

        public static java.lang.String getContextualSubString​(java.lang.CharSequence textSequence,
                                                              int matchStart,
                                                              int matchEnd,
                                                              int contextSize)
      • getScanProperties

        public boolean getScanProperties()
      • setScanProperties

        public void setScanProperties​(boolean scanProperties)
      • getScanCustomMetadata

        public boolean getScanCustomMetadata()
      • setScanCustomMetadata

        public void setScanCustomMetadata​(boolean scanCustomMetadata)
      • getScanContent

        public boolean getScanContent()
      • setScanContent

        public void setScanContent​(boolean scanContent)
      • getCaseSensitive

        public boolean getCaseSensitive()
      • setCaseSensitive

        public void setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive)
      • getMultiline

        public boolean getMultiline()
      • setMultiline

        public void setMultiline​(boolean multiline)
      • getDotall

        public boolean getDotall()
      • setDotall

        public void setDotall​(boolean dotall)
      • getCaptureContextualText

        public boolean getCaptureContextualText()
      • setCaptureContextualText

        public void setCaptureContextualText​(boolean captureContextualText)
      • getContextSize

        public int getContextSize()
      • setContextSize

        public void setContextSize​(int contextSize)
      • getPatterns

        public java.util.List<PatternInfo> getPatterns()
      • setPatterns

        public void setPatterns​(java.util.List<PatternInfo> patterns)
      • getPropertiesToScan

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getPropertiesToScan()
      • setPropertiesToScan

        public void setPropertiesToScan​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> propertiesToScan)
      • getCustomMetadataToScan

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getCustomMetadataToScan()
      • setCustomMetadataToScan

        public void setCustomMetadataToScan​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fieldsToScan)
      • getMatchNamedEntityValues

        public boolean getMatchNamedEntityValues()
      • setMatchNamedEntityValues

        public void setMatchNamedEntityValues​(boolean matchNamedEntityValues)
      • getNamedEntityTypes

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getNamedEntityTypes()
      • setNamedEntityTypes

        public void setNamedEntityTypes​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> namedEntityTypes)
      • abortScan

        public void abortScan()
        When running a scan by providing a Consumer callback, this will signal that further scanning should be aborted.