BoundedProgressInfo |
Represents progress of an operation which has a bounded value, that is, we know what progress
value is considered maximum/done.
DigestList |
This class provides an in-memory representation of a Nuix binary digest list.
DriveSpaceInfo |
Encapsulates drive space information to callback responding to events fired
by FreeSpaceMonitor .
ExpandedTermInfo |
Encapsulates information about a term designated as a match result generated by TermExpander .
FormatUtility |
Class which offers methods for formatting values.
FreeSpaceMonitor |
Provides a way to monitor file system locations and act when available disk space drops
below a specified threshold.
FuzzyTermInfo |
Encapsulates information about a fuzzy term expression.
LevenshteinDistance |
NamedStringList |
NuixVersion |
Assists in representing a Nuix version in object form to assist with comparing two versions.
PdfUtility |
A class containing some helper methods for PDFs.
PeriodicGatedConsumer<T> |
A wrapper for a Consumer instance which will only periodically forward call to accept
method of wrapped instance.
PlaceholderResolver |
This class provides a way to allow user input to make use of place holder values which will be
substituted at run time with appropriate values.
PrimitiveTypeParser |
ProfileDigester |
Provides functionality related to generating an MD5 digest for an item based on a concatenation of the values yielded by a MetadataProfile for a given item.
ProgressInfo |
Represents progress of an indeterminate operation where the maximum progress value
is not known until completion.
SQLiteBacked |
Provides a wrapper around a SQLite database.
TermExpander |
ZipHelper |