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abortWasRequested() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Used to determine if the user requested to abort.
activateGlassPane(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DisablingGlassPaneWrapper
add(Component) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ScrollableCustomTabPanel
addAllItems(Collection<Item>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Add a collection of items, using each item's MD5 value.
addAllMd5ByteArrays(Collection<byte[]>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Add a collection of MD5 values where each MD5 is represented as its equivalent byte array.
addAllMd5Strings(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Add a collection of MD5 values where MD5 is represented as a hexadecimal string.
addBasicLabelledComponent(String, Component) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addBasicLabelledComponent(String, Component, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addBasicLabelledComponent(String, Component, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addChoice(Choice<T>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
addChoice(Choice<T>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
addComponent(Component, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addComponent(Component, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addComponent(Component, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addComponent(Component, int, int, int, int, double, double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addComponent(Component, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addComponents(Component, Component) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
addData(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Add data to the given section.
addData(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Add data to the given section.
addElement(E) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
addElement(E) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
addMenu(String, String, Runnable) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Adds a menu entry to the menu bar and then a menu item to that menu.
addPath(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
addProcessingFinishedListener(ProcessingFinishedListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
addProcessingFinishedListener(ProcessingFinishedListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Add a callback which will be invoked when processing ends
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Add a PropertyChangeListener to this object.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Add a PropertyChangeListener to this object.
addRecord(Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Adds a single record
addRecord(Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Adds a single record
addRecord(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
addRecord(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
addRecord(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
addReport(ReportDataModel) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Adds a section to the bottom of the dialog as a Report.
addScrollableTab(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
addSection(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Add a new, empty section to the report.
addSection(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Add a new, empty section to the report.
addSection(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Add a section to the report, providing data as the section is created.
addSection(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Add a section to the report, providing data as the section is created.
addTab(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Adds a new tab to the dialog.
addValue(ComboItem) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
Adds a single ComboItem item as a value to the combo box
addValue(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
addValue(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
Adds a value to the list.
addValue(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
addValue(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
Convenience method for adding an entry to the combo box.
afterFiltering() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
Called once after filtering.
afterFiltering() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
afterFiltering() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
Called once after filtering.
afterFiltering() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
allAreChecked(String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
anyAreChecked(String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
append(LogEvent) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogEventCallbackAppender
append(LogEvent) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogMessageCallbackAppender
appendBatchExporterLoadFileSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide loadfile export settings, as passed to BatchExporter.addLoadFile(String, Map).
appendBatchExporterNativeSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide native export settings, as passed to BatchExporter.addProduct(String, Map) for the "native" product.
appendBatchExporterPdfSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide PDF export settings, as passed to BatchExporter.addProduct(String, Map) for the "pdf" product.
appendBatchExporterTextSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide text export settings, as passed to BatchExporter.addProduct(String, Map) for the "text" product.
appendBatchExporterTraversalSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide traversal settings, as passed to BatchExporter.setTraversalOptions(Map).
appendButton(String, String, ActionListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ButtonRow
Appends a JButton control with the specified label and attaches the provided action listener to the button.
appendButton(String, String, ActionListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a JButton control with the specified label and attaches the provided action listener to the button.
appendButtonRow(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
appendCheckableTextField(String, boolean, String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a text field with an associated check box.
appendCheckBox(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a check box control to the tab.
appendCheckBoxes(String, String, boolean, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends 2 check boxes, in a single row, to the tab.
appendChoiceTable(String, String, List<Choice<T>>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows the user to select multiple choices.
appendComboBox(String, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a combo box control allowing a user to select one of many choices.
appendComboBox(String, String, Collection<String>, Runnable) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a combo box control allowing a user to select one of many choices.
appendComboItemBox(String, String, List<ComboItem>, Runnable) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a combo box control which takes a list of ComboItem instances, allowing you to have each entry represent a specific value while having a separate value as the labeled choice displayed in the combo box.
appendCsvTable(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a table control with the specified headers, which is capable of importing a CSV with the same headers.
appendCsvTable(String, List<String>, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a table control with the specified headers, which is capable of importing a CSV with the same headers.
appendDatePicker(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a date picker field control to the dialog with the default date being today's date.
appendDatePicker(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a date picker field control to the dialog
appendDirectoryChooser(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a directory.
appendDirectoryChooser(String, String, PathSelectedCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a directory.
appendDirectoryChooser(String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a directory.
appendDirectoryChooser(String, String, String, PathSelectedCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a directory.
appendDynamicTable(String, String, List<String>, List<Object>, DynamicTableValueCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a fairly flexible table control to the tab.
appendFormattedInformation(String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a read only text area control for you to place some user information similar to CustomTabPanel.appendInformation(String, String, String).
appendHeader(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a header label that spans 2 columns.
appendImage(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends an image to the tab
appendImage(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends an image to the tab
appendInformation(String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a read only text area control for you to place some user information.
appendLabel(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a label that spans 2 columns.
appendLocalWorkerSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide worker settings, as passed to ParallelProcessingConfigurable.setParallelProcessingSettings(Map).
appendMultipleChoiceComboBox(String, String, List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a combo box which allows you to select multiple choices from its drop down list by checking them.
appendMultipleChoiceComboBox(String, String, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a combo box which allows you to select multiple choices from its drop down list by checking them.
appendOcrSettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control with controls used to provide OCR settings, as passed to OcrProcessor.
appendOpenFileChooser(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a file to open.
appendOpenFileChooser(String, String, String, String, PathSelectedCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a file to open.
appendOpenFileChooser(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a file to open.
appendOpenFileChooser(String, String, String, String, String, PathSelectedCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a file to open.
appendPasswordField(String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a password text field control to the dialog.
appendPathList(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a list box allowing the user to specify multiple file and directory paths.
appendPathList(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a list box allowing the user to specify multiple file and directory paths.
appendRadioButton(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a radio button control to the dialog.
appendRadioButtonGroup(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
appendRadioButtonLeft(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
appendSaveFileChooser(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a file to save.
appendSaveFileChooser(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows a user to select a file to save.
appendSearchableComboBox(String, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a combo box control allowing a user to select one of many choices and allows for filtering choices by typing in a value.
appendSeparator(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a separator that spans 2 columns.
appendSlider(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a new slider control that lets the user specify a value in the range 0 to 100 with an initial value of 50.
appendSlider(String, String, double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a new slider control that lets the user specify a value within the range of 0.0 to 1.0.
appendSlider(String, String, double, double, double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a new slider control that lets the user specify a value within a range using doubles.
appendSlider(String, String, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a new slider control that lets the user specify a value in the range 0 to 100.
appendSlider(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a new slider control that lets the user specify a value within a range using integers.
appendSpinner(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a up/down number picker control (known in Java as a Spinner).
appendSpinner(String, String, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a up/down number picker control (known in Java as a Spinner).
appendSpinner(String, String, int, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a up/down number picker control (known in Java as a Spinner).
appendSpinner(String, String, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Creates a up/down number picker control (known in Java as a Spinner).
appendStringChoiceTable(String, String, Collection<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a control which allows the user to select multiple choices.
appendStringList(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a list box allowing the user to specify string values.
appendStringList(String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a list box allowing the user to specify string values.
appendStringList(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a list box allowing the user to specify string values.
appendStringList(String, List<String>, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a list box allowing the user to specify string values.
appendTextArea(String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a text area control to the dialog.
appendTextField(String, String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Appends a text field control to the dialog.
ArrangeableListModel<E> - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Custom ArrayList wrapper around an ArrayList which offers methods for shifting a contiguous range of entries earlier or later in the list (for shifting rows).
ArrangeableListModel<E> - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
Custom ArrayList wrapper around an ArrayList which offers methods for shifting a contiguous range of entries earlier or later in the list (for shifting rows).
ArrangeableListModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
ArrangeableListModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
attachConsoleAppender(String, Function<LogEvent, Boolean>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Attaches a ConsoleAppender
attachConsoleAppender(String, Filter) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Attaches a new ConsoleAppender
attachLogAppender(Appender) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Attaches the given appender
attachLogMessageCallbackAppender(String, Collection<String>, Consumer<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Attaches to logging system and returns a LogMessageCallbackAppender whose purpose is to forward rendered log event strings to a Consumer which then in turn makes use of that message.
attachLogMessageCallbackAppender(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Attaches to logging system and returns a LogMessageCallbackAppender whose purpose is to forward rendered log event strings to a Consumer which then in turn makes use of that message.


BatchExporterLoadFileSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which encapsulates some of the common load file export settings.
BatchExporterLoadFileSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterLoadFileSettings
BatchExporterNativeSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which encapsulates some of the common native export settings.
BatchExporterNativeSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
BatchExporterPdfSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which encapsulates some of the common PDF export settings
BatchExporterPdfSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterPdfSettings
BatchExporterTextSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which encapsulates some of the common text export settings
BatchExporterTextSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
BatchExporterTraversalSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which encapsulates some of the common traversal settings
BatchExporterTraversalSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTraversalSettings
beforeFiltering(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
Invoked once before filtering begins, allowing for up front work to be performed that might then be leveraged in subsequent calls to DynamicTableFilterProvider.keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map).
beforeFiltering(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
beforeFiltering(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
Invoked once before filtering begins, allowing for up front work to be performed that might then be leveraged in subsequent calls to DynamicTableFilterProvider.keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map).
beforeFiltering(String, List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
beginProcessing(Processor) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
buildGenericSlider(String, String, BoundedRangeModel, Consumer<JLabel>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Put together the UI for a Slider control
buttonGroups - Variable in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
ButtonRow - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
ButtonRow() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ButtonRow
ButtonRow(CustomTabPanel) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ButtonRow
bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Convenience method for converting a byte array to a hex string.


checkAll() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.MultipleChoiceComboBox
Checks all available choices.
checkDisplayedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
checkDisplayedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
checkDisplayedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the checked state of the currently displayed records to checked.
checkDisplayedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the checked state of the currently displayed records to checked.
Choice<T> - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
This class represents a choice in some controls and has an associated label, tool tip, value and whether the choice is checked.
Choice<T> - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
This class represents a choice in some controls and has an associated label, tool tip, value and whether the choice is checked.
Choice() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Choice() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Choice(T) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T, String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T, String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T, String, String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T, String, String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
Choice(T, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Creates a choice object.
ChoiceDialog<T> - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
Displays a dialog allowing a user to select one or more choices.
ChoiceDialog(String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Create a new instance
ChoiceTableControl<T> - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A table control for allowing the user to check one or more choices which are defined using Choice objects.
ChoiceTableControl() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
ChoiceTableControl(String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
ChoiceTableModel<T> - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Table model used by the ChoiceTableControl
ChoiceTableModel<T> - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
Table model used by the ChoiceTableControl
ChoiceTableModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
Create a new instance
ChoiceTableModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
Create a new instance
ChoiceTableModelChangeListener - Interface in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Used to notify listeners that a ChoiceTableControl has changed in some way.
ChoiceTableModelChangeListener - Interface in com.nuix.nx.models
Used to notify listeners that a ChoiceTableControl has changed in some way.
cleanPathString(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Helper method to strip common illegal path characters from a string
clear() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
clear() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Clears out all digests currently being tracked by this instance.
clear() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Clears all currently associated place holders (keys and values)
clear() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
clearLog() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Clears the log text area of all message.
clearSettings() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Clears the settings of this control.
com.nuix.logging - package com.nuix.logging
com.nuix.nx - package com.nuix.nx
com.nuix.nx.callbacks - package com.nuix.nx.callbacks
com.nuix.nx.controls - package com.nuix.nx.controls
com.nuix.nx.controls.filters - package com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
com.nuix.nx.controls.models - package com.nuix.nx.controls.models
com.nuix.nx.dialogs - package com.nuix.nx.dialogs
com.nuix.nx.digest - package com.nuix.nx.digest
com.nuix.nx.export - package com.nuix.nx.export
com.nuix.nx.filters - package com.nuix.nx.filters
com.nuix.nx.helpers - package com.nuix.nx.helpers
com.nuix.nx.misc - package com.nuix.nx.misc
com.nuix.nx.models - package com.nuix.nx.models
com.nuix.nx.sourceitem - package com.nuix.nx.sourceitem
CombinedPdfExporter - Class in com.nuix.nx.export
This class assists in generating combined PDFs outside of Nuix using iText.
CombinedPdfExporter(File) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Creates a new instance.
CombinedPdfExporter(String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Creates a new instance.
ComboItem - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
Data class for representing combo box entries
ComboItem(String, String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItem
Create instance with the provided label and value
ComboItemBox - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
Slightly customized combo box control for displaying ComboItem objects
ComboItemBox() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
CommonDialogs - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
Provides convenience methods for displaying common dialogs.
CommonDialogs() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
compareTo(NuixVersion) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Provides comparison logic when comparing two instances.
confirmAbort() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
constrainFirstColumn() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
CONTROL_COLUMN_WIDTH - Variable in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
ControlDeserializationHandler - Interface in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Callback used to allow code to define a custom de-serialization for a particular control from JSON.
ControlDeserializationHandler - Interface in com.nuix.nx.models
Callback used to allow code to define a custom de-serialization for a particular control from JSON.
ControlSerializationHandler - Interface in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Callback used to allow code to define a custom serialization for a particular control to JSON.
ControlSerializationHandler - Interface in com.nuix.nx.models
Callback used to allow code to define a custom serialization for a particular control to JSON.
createAcceptAllFilter() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Creates a Filter which accepts all log events.
createFromExistingDigestLists(Collection<File>) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Creates an instance of DigestHelper containing the digests from all specified digest lists.
createFromExistingDigestListsByName(Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Creates an instance of DigestHelper containing the digests from all specified digest lists.
createPassFailFilter(Function<LogEvent, Boolean>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Convenience method for converting a Function<LogEvent,Boolean> into a AbstractFilter which will yield ACCEPT when the function returns True and DENY when the function returns False.
CsvTable - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A table control designed with the idea of accepting data imported from a CSV.
CsvTable(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
CsvTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Table model for CsvTable.
CsvTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
Table model for CsvTable.
CsvTableModel(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
CsvTableModel(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
currentlyContains(byte[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Whether this instance currently contains the specific digest.
currentlyContains(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Whether this instance currently contains the specific digest.
currentlyContains(Item) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Whether this instance currently contains the specific digest for the provided item.
CustomTabPanel - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
This class represents a tab in the TabbedCustomDialog class.
CustomTabPanel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
CustomTabPanel(String, TabbedCustomDialog) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel


dataChanged() - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModelChangeListener
dataChanged() - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModelChangeListener
DataProcessingSettingsControl - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which allows the user to specify settings found in the GUI under "Data Processing Settings" during ingestion setup.
DataProcessingSettingsControl() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
deserializeControlData(Object, Component) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ControlDeserializationHandler
deserializeControlData(Object, Component) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.models.ControlDeserializationHandler
DigestHelper - Class in com.nuix.nx.digest
This class assists in the manipulation of Nuix digest lists.
DigestHelper() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
DIRECTORY - com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl.ChooserType
DisablingGlassPaneWrapper - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
Overlay clear pane which disables input to the underlying controls.
DisablingGlassPaneWrapper(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.DisablingGlassPaneWrapper
display() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Displays this custom dialog.
displayAndBeginProcessing(Processor) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Displays the dialog and begins processing, showing status while processing is occurring.
displayNonModal(Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Similar to TabbedCustomDialog.display() except that the dialog will be displayed non-modal and will invoke the provided callback when the dialog is closed and the result of TabbedCustomDialog.getDialogResult() returns true.
doNotSerialize(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Allows you to specify that a particular control's value should not be serialized in calls to CustomTabPanel.toMap(boolean) with a value of true (meaning it is generating map of setting for generating JSON).
DoubleBoundedRangeModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
DoubleBoundedRangeModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
DoubleBoundedRangeModel(double, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
DoubleBoundedRangeModel(double, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
DoWork(ProgressDialog) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialogBlockInterface
DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.filters
DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter
DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter
DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.filters
DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter
DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter
DynamicTableContainsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
DynamicTableContainsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.filters
DynamicTableContainsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableContainsFilter
DynamicTableContainsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableContainsFilter
DynamicTableControl - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
Control for displaying a dynamically defined table of data.
DynamicTableControl(List<String>, List<Object>, DynamicTableValueCallback) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
DynamicTableFilterProvider - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
DynamicTableFilterProvider - Class in com.nuix.nx.filters
DynamicTableFilterProvider() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
DynamicTableFilterProvider() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
DynamicTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Table model used to store data for a DynamicTableControl
DynamicTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
Table model used to store data for a DynamicTableControl
DynamicTableModel(List<String>, List<Object>, DynamicTableValueCallback, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Create a new instance
DynamicTableModel(List<String>, List<Object>, DynamicTableValueCallback, boolean) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Create a new instance
DynamicTableRegexFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
DynamicTableRegexFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.filters
DynamicTableRegexFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
DynamicTableRegexFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.filters
DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter - Class in com.nuix.nx.filters
DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter
DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter
DynamicTableValueCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Callback used by DynamicTableControl to allow calling code (likely a Ruby script) to save changes a user has made to a record in the table.
DynamicTableValueCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.models
Callback used by DynamicTableControl to allow calling code (likely a Ruby script) to save changes a user has made to a record in the table.


embiggen(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Enlarges the progress dialog to match the screen size less some margin on all sides.
enabledIfAnyChecked(String, String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Similar to CustomTabPanel.enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String), this method registers event handlers on one or more checkable controls such that a given dependent control is only enabled when at least one of the specified target checkable controls are checked.
enabledIfAnyChecked(String, String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Similar to TabbedCustomDialog.enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String), this method registers event handlers on one or more checkable controls such that a given dependent control is only enabled when at least one of the specified target checkable controls are checked.
enabledOnlyWhenAllChecked(String, String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Similar to CustomTabPanel.enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String), this method registers event handlers on one or more checkable controls such that a given dependent control is only enabled when all of the specified target checkable controls are checked.
enabledOnlyWhenAllChecked(String, String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Similar to TabbedCustomDialog.enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String), this method registers event handlers on one or more checkable controls such that a given dependent control is only enabled when all of the specified target checkable controls are checked.
enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Registers an event handle such that a given control is only enabled when another checkable control is checked.
enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Registers an event handle such that a given control is only enabled when another checkable control is checked.
enabledOnlyWhenNoneChecked(String, String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Similar to CustomTabPanel.enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String), this method registers event handlers on one or more checkable controls such that a given dependent control is only enabled when none of the specified target checkable controls are checked.
enabledOnlyWhenNoneChecked(String, String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Similar to TabbedCustomDialog.enabledOnlyWhenChecked(String, String), this method registers event handlers on one or more checkable controls such that a given dependent control is only enabled when none of the specified target checkable controls are checked.
enabledOnlyWhenNotChecked(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Registers an event handle such that a given control is only enabled when another checkable control is not checked.
enabledOnlyWhenNotChecked(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Registers an event handle such that a given control is only enabled when another checkable control is not checked.
enableStickySettings(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
This enables "sticky settings" where the dialog will save a JSON file of settings when 'Okay' is clicked and will attempt to load previously saved settings when the dialog is displayed.
exportItems(File, List<Item>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Creates a single PDF from several different items by exporting a PDF for each item then concatenating them and finally cleaning up the temporary PDF files.
exportItems(String, List<Item>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Creates a single PDF from several different items by exporting a PDF for each item then concatenating them and finally cleaning up the temporary PDF files.


fillScreen(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Resizes the dialog to fill the screen, less the specified margin on all sides.
firePathSelected() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
fitColumns() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
forBlock(ProgressDialogBlockInterface) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Displays a progress dialog for the duration of called method.
forChoices(List<Choice<T>>, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Shows a choice dialog for a provided list of choices.
forChoices(List<Choice<T>>, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Shows a choice dialog for a provided list of choices.
forCustodians(Case) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Presents the user with a dialog where they can select custodian names.
forEvidenceItems(Case) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Presents the user with a dialog where they can select evidence items.
forItemSets(Case) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Presents the user with a dialog where they can select item sets.
forKinds() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Presents the user with a dialog where they can select item kinds.
FormatHelpers - Class in com.nuix.nx.helpers
Provides some methods for common formatting tasks.
FormatHelpers() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.helpers.FormatHelpers
formatNumber(double) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.helpers.FormatHelpers
Convenience method for formatting a double into a string using US locale
formatNumber(int) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.helpers.FormatHelpers
Convenience method for formatting an int into a string using US locale
formatNumber(long) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.helpers.FormatHelpers
Convenience method for formatting a long int into a string using US locale
forProductionSets(Case) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Presents the user with a dialog where they can select productions sets.
forTags(Case) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Presents the user with a dialog where they can select tag names.
forValues(Collection<T>, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Shows a choice dialog for a provided collection of values.


get(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Get the value currently associated for a given placeholder
getAbortButtonVisible() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Gets whether the abort button is currently visible.
getAutoCloseDelaySeconds() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Gets how long the dialog should remain open after processing completes.
getBtnAddRecord() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
getBtnImportFile() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
getBtnImportTextFile() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
getBugfix() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Gets the determined bugfix portion of this version instance (0.0.x.0)
getBuild() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Gets the determined build portion of this version instance (0.0.0.x)
getChangeListener() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Get the listener which will be notified whn changes are made.
getChangeListener() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Get the listener which will be notified whn changes are made.
getChckbxDeskew() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getChckbxIncludeAttachments() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
getChckbxPerPage() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getChckbxRegeneratePdfs() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getChckbxRegenerateStored() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
getChckbxRegenerateStored() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterPdfSettings
getChckbxUpdateItemText() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getChckbxUpdatePdfText() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getChckbxWrapLines() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getCheckedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.MultipleChoiceComboBox
Gets a list of which choices are currently checked.
getCheckedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedLabels() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedLabels() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedRecordHashes() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the MD5 hashes for all the currently checked records using DynamicTableModel.getRecordHashes(java.util.List<java.lang.Object>)
getCheckedRecordHashes() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the MD5 hashes for all the currently checked records using DynamicTableModel.getRecordHashes(java.util.List<java.lang.Object>)
getCheckedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
getCheckedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets a list of records which are checked, regardless of whether they are currently displayed
getCheckedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets a list of records which are checked, regardless of whether they are currently displayed
getCheckedValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets a count of how many records are currently checked
getCheckedValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets a count of how many records are currently checked
getCheckedValues() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getCheckedValues() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getChoice(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getChoice(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
Gets the list of choices associated
getChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
Gets the list of choices associated
getChoiceTableHeight() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getColumnName(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getComboDedupe() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTraversalSettings
getComboEncoding() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterLoadFileSettings
getComboEncoding() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getComboLineSeparator() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterLoadFileSettings
getComboLineSeparator() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getComboLoadFileType() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterLoadFileSettings
getComboMailFormat() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
getComboNaming() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
getComboNaming() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterPdfSettings
getComboNaming() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getComboProfile() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterLoadFileSettings
getComboQuality() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getComboRotation() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getComboSortOrder() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTraversalSettings
getComboTextModification() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getComboTraversal() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTraversalSettings
getConfirmation(Component, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a confirmation dialog where the users selects "Yes" or "No".
getConfirmation(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a confirmation dialog where the users selects "Yes" or "No".
getConfirmation(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a confirmation dialog where the users selects "Yes" or "No".
getControl(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Allows you to get the actual Java Swing control.
getControl(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Allows you to get the actual Java Swing control.
getCurrent() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Attempts to determine current Nuix version by inspecting Nuix packages.
getCurrentCase() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
Get the Nuix case provided via NuixConnection.setCurrentCase(Case)
getCurrentNuixVersion() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
Gets a NuixVersion object representing the current version of Nuix, assuming code using the library has previously made a call to NuixConnection.setCurrentNuixVersion(String) previously.
getCustomFilterProviders() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the list of filter providers beyond those that are built in, allowing you to add or remove custom filter providers.
getCustomFilterProviders() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the list of filter providers beyond those that are built in, allowing you to add or remove custom filter providers.
getDataFieldsInSection(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Get the list of data fields in the provided section.
getDataFieldsInSection(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Get the list of data fields in the provided section.
getDataFieldValue(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Get a String representation of the value of a data field.
getDataFieldValue(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Get a String representation of the value of a data field.
getDefaultImportDirectory() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
getDefaultSettings() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
getDeserializer(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets the previously provided deserialization handler for a particular control
getDialogResult() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
Provides a value signifying whether the dialog was cancelled/closed or user hit ok.
getDialogResult() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets the result of showing the dialog.
getDigestListDirectory() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Returns the assumed directory containing digest lists.
getDigestListLocation(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Returns the assumed location of a particular named digest list.
getDirectory(File, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a directory.
getDirectory(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a directory.
getDisplayedChoice(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getDisplayedChoice(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getDistinctDigestCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Returns the counts of distinct digests currently stored in this instance.
getElementAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
getElementAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
getEventConsumer() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogEventCallbackAppender
Gets the Consumer that will be provided log events
getExtentAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getExtentAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getFirstChoiceByLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
Attempt to find a choice in the model with a matching label
getFirstChoiceByLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
Attempt to find a choice in the model with a matching label
getFirstChoiceByValue(T) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
Attempt to find a choice in the model with a matching value
getFirstChoiceByValue(T) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
Attempt to find a choice in the model with a matching value
getHeaders() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
getHeaders() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
getHeaders() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
getHelpFile() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
The File currently associated to the "Help" menu "View Documentation" entry
getInitialDirectory() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
getInput(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to input some text.
getInput(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to input some text.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
getJobWasAborted() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
Gets whether the job was aborted
getJobWasAborted() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Gets whether the job was aborted
getJobWasStopped() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
Gets whether the job was stopped
getJobWasStopped() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Gets whether the job was stopped
getLabel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItem
Gets the label associate to this instance
getLabel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Gets the label used to display this choice.
getLabel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Gets the label of this tab.
getLabel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Gets the label used to display this choice.
getLanguageChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getLastMessage() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.Toast
getLogAllStatusUpdates() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Gets a value indicating whether all status message updates will be logged.
getLogger() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Convenience method for obtaining a logger object, named after the class calling this method.
getLogger(String) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Convenience method for obtaining a logger object.
getLogText() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Gets the current text in the log text area.
getMajor() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Gets the determined major portion of this version instance (X.0.0.0)
getMaximumAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getMaximumAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getMemoryPerWorker() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
getMessageConsumer() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogMessageCallbackAppender
Gets the Consumer that will be provided log event messages (based on provided layout)
getMinimumAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getMinimumAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getMinor() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Gets the determined minor portion of this version instance (0.X.0.0)
getModel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getPath() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
getPathFile() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
getPathFiles() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
getPaths() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
getPlaceholderData() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Gets the Map containing all the current place holder data
getRecordHashes(List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Generates a series of hashes representing each record by calling DynamicTableModel.hashRecord(Object) on each record.
getRecordHashes(List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Generates a series of hashes representing each record by calling DynamicTableModel.hashRecord(Object) on each record.
getRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
getRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
getRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
getRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the records associated
getRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
getRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the records associated
getRootLoggerLevel() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Gets the current level of the root logger
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getSections() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Get the list of sections in this report.
getSections() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Get the list of sections in this report.
getSelectedComboItem() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
getSelectedLabel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
getSelectedValue() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
getSelection(String, List<String>) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog with a drop down, allowing the user to select one of several values.
getSelection(String, List<String>, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog with a drop down, allowing the user to select one of several values.
getSelection(String, List<String>, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog with a drop down, allowing the user to select one of several values.
getSerializer(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets the previously provided serialization handler for a particular control
getSettings() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Gets the settings represented by this control as a Map which could be passed directly to Nuix via Processing.setProcessingSettings
getSettingsJSON() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Gets the settings represented by this control as a JSON string
getSize() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
getSize() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
getSpinnerWrapLength() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getTab(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets the tab with the specified ID
getTable() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
getTable() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
getTableModel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
getTableModel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
getTableModel() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
getTempDirectory() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Gets the temporary directory used to house the per item temporary PDF files.
getText(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Gets the text present in a TextField or PasswordField.
getText(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets the text present in a TextField or PasswordField.
getTimeoutMinutes() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getTimestampLoggedMessages() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets the value determining whether messages logged will lead with a time stamp.
getToastTimeInSeconds() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.Toast
getToolTip() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
The tool tip which will be associated to this choice.
getToolTip() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
The tool tip which will be associated to this choice.
getTotalValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getTotalValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the total count of records, regardless of check state or display state
getTotalValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getTotalValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the total count of records, regardless of check state or display state
getTxtPath() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
getTxtPath() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterPdfSettings
getTxtPath() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getTxtSuffix() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
getTxtSuffix() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterPdfSettings
getTxtSuffix() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
getUncheckedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getUncheckedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getUpdateDuplicates() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
getUtilities() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
Gets the instance of Utilities provided by previous call to NuixConnection.setUtilities(Utilities)
getValue() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItem
Gets the value associated to this instance
getValue() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Gets the value associated to this choice.
getValue() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Gets the value associated to this choice.
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
getValueAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getValueAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getValueCallback() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
A reference to the callback used for retrieving values for display.
getValueCallback() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
A reference to the callback used for retrieving values for display.
getValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getValues() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
getValues() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
Gets the current values of the list.
getValues() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
getVisibleValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
getVisibleValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the count of records which are currently displayed.
getVisibleValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
getVisibleValueCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Gets the count of records which are currently displayed.
getWorkerCount() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
getWorkerTempDirectory() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
getWorkerTempDirectoryFile() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings


handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableContainsFilter
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableContainsFilter
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
handlesExpression(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter
Whether this filter provider handles the given filter expression.
hashRecord(Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Hashes a record by the values in its columns.
hashRecord(Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Hashes a record by the values in its columns.
hexToBytes(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Convenience method for converting hex string to byte array.
hideFileMenu() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Hides the file menu from the user (effectively disabling save and load).
hideSaveLoadResetButtons() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl


incrememntSubProgress() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Increases the current value of the sub progress bar by 1.
incrementMainProgress() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Increases the current value of the main progress bar by 1.
initAlternateLogFile(File, String, Function<LogEvent, Boolean>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Creates a file appender which will log to the specified file.
initAlternateLogFile(File, String, Filter) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Creates a file appender which will log to the specified file.
initDataBindings() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
interact(Object, int, boolean, Object) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableValueCallback
interact(Object, int, boolean, Object) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableValueCallback
isAtLeast(NuixVersion) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is greater than or equal to this instance
isAtLeast(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is greater than or equal to this instance
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
isChecked(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Gets whether a particular Checkbox or RadioButton is checked.
isChecked(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets whether a particular Checkbox or RadioButton is checked.
isEditable() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
isEditable() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
isEqualTo(NuixVersion) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is equal to this instance
isEqualTo(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is equal to this instance
isGreaterThan(NuixVersion) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is greater than this instance
isGreaterThan(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is greater than this instance
isLessThan(NuixVersion) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is less than this instance
isLessThan(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Determines whether another instance's version is less than this instance
isSelected() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Whether this choice is currently selected
isSelected() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Whether this choice is currently selected
isSelected(Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Used to determine whether a given record is checked in the table
isSelected(Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Used to determine whether a given record is checked in the table
isSingleSelectMode() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
isSingleSelectMode() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
ItemStatisticsTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Table model used by ProcessingStatusControl.
ItemStatisticsTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
Table model used by ProcessingStatusControl.
ItemStatisticsTableModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
ItemStatisticsTableModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel


keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter
If DynamicTableFilterProvider.handlesExpression(String) returns true, this method will be invoked for each record.
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableContainsFilter
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
If DynamicTableFilterProvider.handlesExpression(String) returns true, this method will be invoked for each record.
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.filters.DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter
If DynamicTableFilterProvider.handlesExpression(String) returns true, this method will be invoked for each record.
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableAllRecordsFilter
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableCheckedRecordsFilter
If DynamicTableFilterProvider.handlesExpression(String) returns true, this method will be invoked for each record.
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableContainsFilter
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableFilterProvider
If DynamicTableFilterProvider.handlesExpression(String) returns true, this method will be invoked for each record.
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableRegexFilter
keepRecord(int, boolean, String, Object, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.filters.DynamicTableUncheckedRecordsFilter
If DynamicTableFilterProvider.handlesExpression(String) returns true, this method will be invoked for each record.


label - Variable in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
LABEL_COLUMN_WIDTH - Variable in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
loadDefaultSettings() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
loadDigestList(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Includes all entries from an existing Nuix digest list file.
loadDigestList(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Includes all entries from an existing Nuix digest list file.
loadDigestListByName(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Includes all entries from an the appropriate existing Nuix digest list file based on the provided name.
loadJson(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Attempts to set control values based on entries in JSON file.
loadJson(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Loads JSON but only to the controls contained within the specified tab.
loadJson(String, Map<String, Component>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Attempts to set control values based on entries in JSON file.
loadJsonFile(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Loads the settings of this dialog from a JSON file
loadSettings(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Loads settings Map into the control.
loadSettingsJSON(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Loads settings into the control from a JSON string
loadSettingsJSONFile(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Loads settings into the control from a JSON file
loadSettingsJSONFile(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Loads settings into the control from a JSON file
LocalWorkerSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control for providing settings relevant to local Nuix workers
LocalWorkerSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
log(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
log(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Logs a message to the log text area and the Nuix logs
LogEventCallbackAppender - Class in com.nuix.logging
A custom log4j2 appender which forwards LogEvent objects to the provided consumer
LogEventCallbackAppender(String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.logging.LogEventCallbackAppender
Creates a new instance with the given name and a filter that accepts ALL events
LogEventCallbackAppender(String, Function<LogEvent, Boolean>) - Constructor for class com.nuix.logging.LogEventCallbackAppender
Creates a new instance with the given name and filter
LogEventCallbackAppender(String, Filter) - Constructor for class com.nuix.logging.LogEventCallbackAppender
Creates a new instance with the given name and filter
LogHelper - Class in com.nuix.logging
Provides various convenience methods for log4j2 related tasks, since doing some operations programmatically in log4j2 are not very straightforward.
logMessage(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Logs a message to the log text area.
LogMessageCallbackAppender - Class in com.nuix.logging
A custom log4j2 appender which forwards String rendered LogEvent objects to the provided consumer, using the provded layout to first render the LogEvent.
LogMessageCallbackAppender(String, Layout) - Constructor for class com.nuix.logging.LogMessageCallbackAppender
Creates a new instance with the given name and a filter that accepts ALL events
LogMessageCallbackAppender(String, Layout, Function<LogEvent, Boolean>) - Constructor for class com.nuix.logging.LogMessageCallbackAppender
Creates a new instance with the given name and filter
LogMessageCallbackAppender(String, Layout, Filter) - Constructor for class com.nuix.logging.LogMessageCallbackAppender
Creates a new instance with the given name and filter
LookAndFeelHelper - Class in com.nuix.nx
Helper utility to change the Java look and feel.
LookAndFeelHelper() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.LookAndFeelHelper


makeComponentLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
makeLabelConstraintsForNextRow() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
mergeExistingPdfFiles(File, List<File>) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
This method generates a new PDF by concatenating several existing PDFs.
messageLogged(String) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialogLoggingCallback
MetadataProfileHelper - Class in com.nuix.nx.helpers
Class containing helper methods for working with Nuix metadata profiles.
MetadataProfileHelper() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.helpers.MetadataProfileHelper
MultipleChoiceComboBox - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A combo box (based on CheckBoxListExComboBox) which offers a drop down which allows the user to pick multiple choices by checking them, rather than just the single choice of a traditional combo box.
MultipleChoiceComboBox() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.MultipleChoiceComboBox


noneAreChecked(String...) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
NuixConnection - Class in com.nuix.nx
This class provides a way to hand required Nuix objects over to the library for the methods that need them.
NuixConnection() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
NuixVersion - Class in com.nuix.nx
Assists in representing a Nuix version in object form to assist with comparing two versions.
NuixVersion() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Creates a new instance defaulting to version 0.0.0
NuixVersion(int) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Creates a new instance using the provided major version: major.0.0.0
NuixVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Creates a new instance using the provided major and minor versions: major.minor.0.0
NuixVersion(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Creates a new instance using the provided major, minor and bugfix versions: major.minor.bugfix.0
NuixVersion(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Creates a new instance using the provided major, minor, bugfix and build versions: major.minor.bugfix.build


OcrSettings - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control for providing some of the common OCR settings
OcrSettings() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
onAbort(Runnable) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Allows you to supply a callback which will be called when the user aborts by clicking and confirming the abort button or closing the dialog.
onMessageLogged(ProgressDialogLoggingCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Allows you to provide a callback which will be called each time a message is logged to this progress dialog.
onVisit(SourceItemVisitCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.sourceitem.SourceItemVisitor
Provides a callback which will be called once for each source item located.
OPEN_FILE - com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl.ChooserType
openFileDialog(File, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file to open.
openFileDialog(File, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file to open.
openFileDialog(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file to open.
openFileDialog(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file to open.
openMultipleFilesDialog(File, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select one or more files to open.
openMultipleFilesDialog(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select one or more files to open.
owner - Variable in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel


parse(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Parses a version string into a NuixVersion instance.
PathList - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which allows the user to supply a list of file and directory paths
PathList() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
pathSelected(String) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectedCallback
PathSelectedCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.controls
Callback used for some of the path selection controls on CustomTabPanel allowing a script to react to a user selects a path.
PathSelectionControl - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which provides a user a way to select paths
PathSelectionControl(PathSelectionControl.ChooserType, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
PathSelectionControl.ChooserType - Enum in com.nuix.nx.controls
PlaceholderResolver - Class in com.nuix.nx.misc
This class provides a way to allow user input to make use of place holder values which will be substituted at run time with appropriate values.
PlaceholderResolver() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
processingFinished() - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingFinishedListener
ProcessingFinishedListener - Interface in com.nuix.nx.controls
Simple callback fired ProcessingStatusControl when processing has completed.
ProcessingStatusControl - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
Control for displaying processing status.
ProcessingStatusControl() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
ProcessingStatusDialog - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
A dialog which starts and monitors a processing job.
ProcessingStatusDialog() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
profileContainsField(String, MetadataProfile) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.helpers.MetadataProfileHelper
Convenience method for determining if a given meta data profile contains a field with the given name.
ProgressDialog - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
Provides a configurable progress dialog.
ProgressDialogBlockInterface - Interface in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
Interface to be implemented to provide code to be ran by the ProgressDialog.
ProgressDialogLoggingCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
progressUpdated(long, long) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.callbacks.SimpleProgressCallback
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ReportDisplayPanel.ReportDataChangeListener
Update the surrounding ReportDisplayPanel instance based on changes to the underlying ReportDataModel.


record(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
record(ProcessedItem) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
recursivelyVisit(SourceItem) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.sourceitem.SourceItemVisitor
Recursively visits source items and their children unless callback specifies skipping children for a given source item.
refresh() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
refresh() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ItemStatisticsTableModel
refreshTable() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
refreshTable() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
remove(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
remove(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Remove a record at a specified index
remove(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
remove(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Remove a record at a specified index
removeAppender(Appender) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Removes the given appender
removeChangeListener(ChoiceTableModelChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
removeChangeListener(ChoiceTableModelChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
removeProcessingFinishedListener(ProcessingFinishedListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ProcessingStatusControl
removeProcessingFinishedListener(ProcessingFinishedListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Removes a previously added callback
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Remove the provided listener from this object.
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Remove the provided listener from this object.
removeRecordAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
removeRecordAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
removeValueAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
removeValueAt(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
ReportDataChangeListener() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ReportDisplayPanel.ReportDataChangeListener
ReportDataModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
Data model for use with the ReportDisplayPanel.
ReportDataModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
Data model for use with the ReportDisplayPanel.
ReportDataModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
ReportDataModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
ReportDisplayPanel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
This class is designed to display the contents of a ReportDataModel at the bottom of a ProgressDialog
ReportDisplayPanel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ReportDisplayPanel
Create a new ReportDisplayPanel with no ReportDataModel.
ReportDisplayPanel(ReportDataModel) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.ReportDisplayPanel
Create a new ReportDisplayPanel based on the data stored in the provided ReportDataModel.
ReportDisplayPanel.ReportDataChangeListener - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
This inner class of ReportDisplayPanel implements a PropertyChangeListener.
resolveTemplate(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Resolves place holders into a string based on the currently associated values
resolveTemplatePath(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Resolves place holders into a path string based on the currently associated values.


SAVE_FILE - com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl.ChooserType
saveDigestList(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Saves a Nuix digest list based on data which has been added so far using methods DigestHelper.addAllItems(Collection) or DigestHelper.addAllMd5Strings(Collection) or DigestHelper.addAllMd5ByteArrays(Collection).
saveDigestList(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Saves a Nuix digest list based on data which has been added so far using methods DigestHelper.addAllItems(Collection) or DigestHelper.addAllMd5Strings(Collection) or DigestHelper.addAllMd5ByteArrays(Collection).
saveDigestListByName(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.digest.DigestHelper
Saves a digest list to the appropriate location with provided name.
saveFileDialog(File, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file to save.
saveFileDialog(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file to save.
saveJsonFile(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Saves the settings of this dialog to a JSON file
saveJSONFile(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Saves the settings represented by this control as a JSON file
saveJSONFile(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
Saves the settings represented by this control as a JSON file
ScrollableCustomTabPanel - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
ScrollableCustomTabPanel(String, TabbedCustomDialog) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ScrollableCustomTabPanel
secondsToElapsedString(double) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.helpers.FormatHelpers
Converts a given number of seconds into and elapsed string which breaks down time into seconds, minutes and hours
SECTION_FIELD_DELIM - Static variable in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
SECTION_FIELD_DELIM - Static variable in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
selectDirectories(File, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
selectDirectories(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
selectFilesDialog(File, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
selectFilesDialog(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
serializeControlData(Component) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ControlSerializationHandler
serializeControlData(Component) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.models.ControlSerializationHandler
set(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Set they value for a given placeholder
setAbortButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets whether the abort button should be visible.
setAutoCloseDelaySeconds(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProcessingStatusDialog
Sets how long the dialog should remain open after processing completes.
setBugfix(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Sets the determined bugfix portion of this version instance (0.0.x.0)
setBuild(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Sets the build portion of this version instance (0.0.0.x)
setChangeListener(ChoiceTableModelChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
Set a listener callback which will be notified of changes
setChangeListener(ChoiceTableModelChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Set a listener which will be notified when changes are made
setChangeListener(ChoiceTableModelChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
Set a listener callback which will be notified of changes
setChangeListener(ChoiceTableModelChangeListener) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Set a listener which will be notified when changes are made
setChecked(String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Sets whether a particular Checkbox or RadioButton is checked.
setChecked(String, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Sets whether a particular Checkbox or RadioButton is checked.
setCheckedAtIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
setCheckedAtIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Set the checked state of a record at a given index
setCheckedAtIndex(int, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Set the checked state of a record at a given index
setCheckedByLabels(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
setCheckedByLabels(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
setCheckedChoices(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.MultipleChoiceComboBox
Sets which of the possible choices are currently checked.
setCheckedRecordsFromHashes(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the checked state of loaded records to checked for records with MD5 hash values matching those in the provided list.
setCheckedRecordsFromHashes(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the checked state of loaded records to checked for records with MD5 hash values matching those in the provided list.
setChoices(List<Choice<T>>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
setChoices(List<Choice<T>>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
Sets the list of choices associated
setChoices(List<Choice<T>>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
Sets the list of choices associated
setChoices(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.MultipleChoiceComboBox
Sets the list of choices offered to the user.
setChoiceSelection(Choice<T>, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
setChoiceSelection(Choice<T>, boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
setChoiceTableHeight(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
setChoiceTypeName(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
setChoiceTypeName(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
setColumnEditable(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Allows caller to define whether a given column is allowed to be editable.
setColumnEditable(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Allows caller to define whether a given column is allowed to be editable.
setColumnName(int, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
setColumnName(int, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
setCompleted() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
This is a convenience method for setting the progress dialog into a "script completed" state.
setCurrentCase(Case) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
Set the Nuix case to be considered the "current" case
setCurrentNuixVersion(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
Sets the current Nuix version.
setCustomFilterProviders(List<DynamicTableFilterProvider>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the list of filter providers beyond those that are built in.
setCustomFilterProviders(List<DynamicTableFilterProvider>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the list of filter providers beyond those that are built in.
setDate(String, Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Sets the date contained in a date picker control previously added through a call to CustomTabPanel.appendDatePicker(String, String) or CustomTabPanel.appendDatePicker(String, String, Object).
setDefaultCheckState(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
setDefaultCheckState(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the default checked state of records
setDefaultCheckState(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the default checked state of records
setDefaultImportDirectory(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
setDefaultSettings(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
setDefaultSettingsFromJSON(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
setDefaultSettingsFromJSONFile(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
setDefaultSettingsFromJSONFile(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DataProcessingSettingsControl
setDirectoriesButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
Sets whether the user is allowed to edit entries.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterNativeSettings
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterPdfSettings
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTextSettings
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.BatchExporterTraversalSettings
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.CsvTable
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
setEventConsumer(Consumer<LogEvent>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogEventCallbackAppender
Sets the consumer that will be provided log events
setExtent(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setExtent(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setFilesButtonVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Set the current filter string
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Set the current filter string
setHelpFile(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Sets the path to a help file which will be associated to the "Help" menu "View Documentation" entry
setHelpFile(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Sets the path to a help file which will be associated to the "Help" menu "View Help" entry
setHelpUrl(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Sets the URL which will be associated to the "Help" menu "View Online Help" entry.
setInitialDirectory(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Sets the label used to display this choice.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Sets the label of this tab.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Sets the label used to display this choice.
setLogAllStatusUpdates(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets a value indicating whether all status message updates will be logged.
setLogVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets whether the log text area should be visible.
setMainProgress(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets the current value for the main progress bar without changing the maximum value.
setMainProgress(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets the value and maximum value for the main progress bar.
setMainProgressVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets whether the main progress bar is visible.
setMainStatus(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Set the main status label text.
setMainStatusAndLogIt(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Set the main status label and writes it as a log message.
setMajor(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Sets the major portion of this version instance (X.0.0.0)
setMaximum(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setMaximum(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setMemoryPerWorker(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
setMessageConsumer(Consumer<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogMessageCallbackAppender
Sets the consumer that will be provided log event messages (based on provided layout)
setMinimum(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setMinimum(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setMinor(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Sets the minor portion of this version instance (0.X.0.0)
setPath(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
setPath(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.misc.PlaceholderResolver
Similar to the PlaceholderResolver.set(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) method except this has logic to appropriately handle file paths.
setPathFieldEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
setPaths(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathList
setRecords(List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
setRecords(List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the records associated
setRecords(List<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the records associated
setReportDataModel(ReportDataModel) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ReportDisplayPanel
Set or replace the data used for this report with the supplied ReportDataModel.
setReportDisplayVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets whether the report section is visible.
setRootLoggerLevel(Level) - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
Sets the root logger's level, returning the level it was set to before changing it, in case you wish to later set it back to where it was.
setRootLoggerLevelAll() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelDebug() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelError() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelFatal() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelInfo() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelOff() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelTrace() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setRootLoggerLevelWarn() - Method in class com.nuix.logging.LogHelper
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Sets whether this choice is currently selected.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Sets whether this choice is currently selected.
setSelectedComboItem(ComboItem) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
setSelectedLabel(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
setSelectedTabIndex(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Sets which tab is currently selected.
setSelectedValue(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
setSingleSelectMode(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
setSingleSelectMode(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
setSubProgress(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets the current value for the sub progress bar without changing the maximum value.
setSubProgress(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets the value and maximum value for the sub progress bar.
setSubProgressVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets whether the sub progress bar is visible.
setSubStatus(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Set the sub status label text.
setSubStatusAndLogIt(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Set the sub status label and writes it as a log message.
setTabLabel(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Updates the label for given tab to a new value
setTableCellRenderer(Class<?>, TableCellRenderer) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
Set the TableCellRenderer to be used to render data of the provided type.
setTableModel(ChoiceTableModel<T>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
setTableModel(ChoiceTableModel<T>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ChoiceDialog
setTableModel(DynamicTableModel) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
Apply the new table model to the table view.
setTabPlacement(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Allows you to change the orientation of the tabs in the dialog by providing one of the JTabbedPane alignment constants
setTabPlacementLeft() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Changes the orientation of the dialogs tabs to be along the left side of the dialog
setTempDirectory(File) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Sets the temporary directory used to house the per item temporary PDF files.
setTempDirectory(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.export.CombinedPdfExporter
Sets the temporary directory used to house the per item temporary PDF files.
setText(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Sets the text present in a TextField or PasswordField.
setText(String, String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Sets the text present in a TextField or PasswordField.
setTextWrapping(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets whether text in the message area show be line/word wrapped.
setTimeoutMinutes(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
setTimestampLoggedMessages(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ProgressDialog
Sets the value determining whether messages logged will lead with a time stamp.
setToastTimeInSeconds(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.Toast
setToolTip(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Sets the tool tip associated to this choice.
setToolTip(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Sets the tool tip associated to this choice.
setUpdateDuplicates(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.OcrSettings
setUserCanAddRecords(boolean, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.DynamicTableControl
setUtilities(Utilities) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixConnection
Sets the instance of Utilities for the current session.
setValue(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setValue(double) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DoubleBoundedRangeModel
setValue(T) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.Choice
Sets the value associated to this choice.
setValue(T) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.Choice
Sets the value associated to this choice.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.CsvTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.CsvTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
setValues(List<ComboItem>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItemBox
Sets the values displayed in the combo box, then selects the first value
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
Sets the values of the list.
setValues(List<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
setValues(List<T>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ChoiceTableControl
setWindowsIfMetal() - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.LookAndFeelHelper
Changes the current Java look and feel to "Windows" if it is currently "Metal".
setWorkerCount(int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
setWorkerTempDirectory(String) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.LocalWorkerSettings
shiftRows(int[], int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRows(int[], int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Shifts a given set of rows (based on row index) a given offset.
shiftRows(int[], int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRows(int[], int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Shifts a given set of rows (based on row index) a given offset.
shiftRows(List<Choice<T>>, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRows(List<Choice<T>>, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRowsDown(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRowsDown(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Shift a series of rows down 1
shiftRowsDown(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRowsDown(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Shift a series of rows down 1
shiftRowsDown(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
shiftRowsDown(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
shiftRowsUp(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRowsUp(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Shift a series of rows up 1
shiftRowsUp(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
shiftRowsUp(int[]) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Shift a series of rows up 1
shiftRowsUp(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
shiftRowsUp(int, int) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
showError(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows an error message dialog.
showError(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows an error message dialog.
showInformation(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows an information message dialog.
showInformation(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows an information message dialog.
showLastToast() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.Toast
Reshow the last message that was displayed, in the same location it was displayed in.
showMessage(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a plain message dialog.
showMessage(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a plain message dialog.
showToast(String, Rectangle) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.Toast
Display the provided message at the position specified.
showWarning(String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a warning message dialog.
showWarning(String, String) - Static method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CommonDialogs
Shows a warning message dialog.
SimpleProgressCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.callbacks
Used as a way to provide simple feedback regarding progress which can be quantified as amount completed over total amount.
size() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ArrangeableListModel
size() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ArrangeableListModel
sortCheckedToTop() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
sortCheckedToTop() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
sortChoicesToTop(List<Choice>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
sortChoicesToTop(List<Choice>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
SourceItemVisitCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.sourceitem
Callback used by SourceItemVisitor.
SourceItemVisitor - Class in com.nuix.nx.sourceitem
A helper class for visiting all items recursively in a tree of source items.
SourceItemVisitor() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.sourceitem.SourceItemVisitor
StringList - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls
A control which allows a user to provide a list of string values (custodian names, tag names, etc)
StringList() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.StringList
StringListTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.controls.models
StringListTableModel - Class in com.nuix.nx.models
StringListTableModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.StringListTableModel
StringListTableModel() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.models.StringListTableModel
structureChanged() - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModelChangeListener
structureChanged() - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModelChangeListener


TabbedCustomDialog - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
Allows you to build a settings dialog with multiple tabs.
TabbedCustomDialog() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Create a new instance.
TabbedCustomDialog(String) - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Create a new instance with the specified title.
Toast - Class in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
A Toast is a short-lived informational message displayed in the UI.
Toast() - Constructor for class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.Toast
toJson() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Gets a JSON String equivalent of the dialog's values.
toJson() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Gets a JSON String equivalent of the dialog values.
toMap() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Returns a Map of the control values.
toMap() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Returns a Map of the control values.
toMap(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Returns a Map of the control values.
toMap(boolean) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Returns a Map of the control values.
toString() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.ComboItem
toString() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.NuixVersion
Converts this instance back to a version string from its components, such as: ""
trackComponent(String, Component) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Registers control to be tracked which is important to ensuring that control values are able to be passed back to script and eligible for being saved to or loaded from JSON.


uncheckAll() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.MultipleChoiceComboBox
Unchecks all available choices.
uncheckAllChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
uncheckAllChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
uncheckDisplayedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ChoiceTableModel
uncheckDisplayedChoices() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ChoiceTableModel
uncheckDisplayedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the checked state of the currently displayed records to unchecked.
uncheckDisplayedRecords() - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.DynamicTableModel
Sets the checked state of the currently displayed records to unchecked.
updateData(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.models.ReportDataModel
Update an existing data field in the given section with a new value.
updateData(String, String, Object) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.models.ReportDataModel
Update an existing data field in the given section with a new value.


validate(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.dialogs.ValidationCallback
A method used to validate.
validateBeforeClosing(ValidationCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Allows code to implement and provide a callback which can validate whether things are okay.
ValidationCallback - Interface in com.nuix.nx.dialogs
Interface for a callback that allows the code being called to approve or disapprove of the current state of the settings in a TabbedCustomDialog.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl.ChooserType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl.ChooserType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
visit(File, Map<?, ?>, Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.sourceitem.SourceItemVisitor
Creates a SourceItemFactory and begins recursing the source item tree for the provided file.
visit(String, Map<?, ?>, Map<?, ?>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.sourceitem.SourceItemVisitor
Creates a SourceItemFactory and begins recursing the source item tree for the provided file.
visitSourceItem(SourceItem) - Method in interface com.nuix.nx.sourceitem.SourceItemVisitCallback
Called once for each allowed item.


whenDeserializing(String, ControlDeserializationHandler) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Allows you to specify code which customizes how a particular control's value is deserialized.
whenDeserializing(String, ControlDeserializationHandler) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Advanced! Allows you to define a callback which will handle deserialization of a particular control from JSON.
whenJsonFileLoaded(Runnable) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Allows you to provide a callback to run when a JSON file is loaded.
whenPathSelected(PathSelectedCallback) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.controls.PathSelectionControl
whenSerializing(String, ControlSerializationHandler) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Allows you to specify code which customizes how a particular control's value is serialized.
whenSerializing(String, ControlSerializationHandler) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.TabbedCustomDialog
Advanced! Allows you to define a callback which will handle serialization of a particular control to JSON.
whenTextChanged(String, Consumer<String>) - Method in class com.nuix.nx.dialogs.CustomTabPanel
Registers a callback which is notified when a particular text control's value is modified.
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